Have you ever just fell in love with an object? Well it happened to me at a retreat high in the mountains last week. And no I was not light headed even though I found it difficult to breathe from time to time. (flatlander you know)
We were able to see this object a day or two before the auction on the last night of the retreat and that’s when it happened. I know you know that feeling I’m talking about. When you first see something and stars appear all around it and you hear music. That was me when Mari O’dell and Barb Harper first shared their colaboration with the group.

This incredible piece, including the box, were hand crafted by these two talented woman, The inside polymer stucture was made by Barb and sent to Mari. Mari then covered it with a veneer of faux ivory and faux metal. Magic wonder works with polymer clay.
The box was created by Barb including the bee button closures. Barb is a bee keeper and often incorporates bees in her work.

The hand lettering was Mari’s, I continue to wish I could letter like Mari.

When they announced it would be in the auction I knew I had to have it. The bidding was fierce and many tried to appeal to my softer side and sway me by whispering in my ear that one bidder’s 50th wedding anniversary was that weekend and it would mean so much to her. I felt bad for a minute until I realized that I have been married for 47 years and was shy her romantic reason by just a couple of years. Ha, I was not budging.
Another said that it was meant for her home studio, not so said I.
If you should ever visit my Studio 215 in downtown Sebring, FL, you should ask to see this amazing piece. But then again you probably won’t have to ask for it will be front and center.
Mari teaches in her treehouse studio and has lots of beautiful thing to show you on her site. Here’s her Facebook page.
Barb can be found on Facebook
Thanks so much Mari and Barb for creating this beautiful piece and for letting it go home with me.