I’ve added a new workshop to my online polymer clay school, (click on link and scroll down to few the individual workshops) It’s a jammed packed workshop full of ideas and inspriation. Most of my cane workshops are not about one individual cane, they are about the process. It’s what I love the most about cane making, I never really know where I’m going to end up. That makes each cane I make a surprise and a delight. Of course you can plan your canes as well.
I’ve added these canes as individual workshops so you can purchase only the ones you want or get a discount when you purchase them all together in a bundle.
There are 25 Videos, as well as videos on making Skinner blends and plugs. That’s about 4 hours of videos that you can watch again and again.
Videos below are sold separately in groups and are included in the bundle. Click here to go straight to the bundle.

Purple Pod Parts 1 and 2
Sea Pod Parts 1, 2 and 3
Pink Pod Parts 1, 2, 3 and 4
Spiral/Jellyroll Canes
Double Skinner Blend Spiral
Striped Spiral
Stroppel Spiral
Deconstruct – Reconstruct

Segmented Stripes
Segmented Stripes from a Skinner Blend Sheet
Segmented Stripes from a Skinner Blend Plug

Graphic Canes
Simple Graphic Parts 1 and 2
From Rectangles to a Square

Spacey Canes
Spacey Parts 1, 2, 3, and 4
Bonus – Spacey in the Round

Flip Floppin’ Flower
Flip Floppin’ Flower parts 1 and 2