Category Archives: -polymer paintings

Premo coloR cArds by Joan Tayler

What I wouldn’t have given for these color cards when I first started out in polymer clay.

What am I talking about? I am extremely overjoyed to have them now.

Joan Tayler has mixed all of these colors in Premo, put these color cards together, photographed them, printed and laminated them. The recipes are on the front with the colors on the back. Such a lot of work.

All for only $12 a set. Trust me you will use these over and over again. You can purchase them here in her Etsy shop.

I’m teaching at virtual Clayathon in February 2022, a workshop call Paper to Polymer, see the post with more information here. I will be using these cards when we mix colors for our wall pieces that will be inspired by paper collages we create.

Not only that but Joan and Shelley Atwood are teaching a two day workshop with step by step color mixing and jewelry design. Their workshop, Wardrobe Inspired Jewelry, is on Feb. 17 & 18 while mine is the 22nd and the 23rd.

Loretta Lamb is the guest artist at virtual Clayathon this year and I know she has some wonderful things to share with us.

The line-up of talented polymer artists is long and varied this year and I’m thrilled to be included.

I hope to see you there.

Polymer string portraits

I’ve been working on polymer string portraits and I have to say they are really fun. 

I’ve admired the continuous black line drawings for some time now and have always wanted to do my own take on the look. 

Years ago I joined a Kickstarter campaign for a 3d pen that used plastic stings. It’s now sold in Michaels and other places I guess.  I suppose I could have mastered it I I’d spent more time with it, I still have it and might take another look at it now. 

Don’t judge now, I was just playing.

But what I really know is polymer clay. I’ve had pc in my hands almost everyday for the last 25 years and I know how it behaves and what I need to do to make it work for me. 

So finally I took the time to give it a try. I posted my first two on Instagram and Facebook with a great deal of support from other people which made me very happy. I was delighted to have one of the portraits featured on Polymer Clay Daily.

Even though I will always be experimenting, trying, failing, succeeding, both acknowledgements are always a great conformation that I’m pushing polymer.

The first and second faces were pencil drawings by me and they worked very well. I place them under a piece of glass and begin. The next one is from a picture of my friend Syndee Holt.

Syndee Holt

I wanted to make a portrait of someone I knew and Syndee always wears great hats and this picture fit the bill. I even liked the sunglasses. 

Syndee Holt

I still have work to do on this, Syndee always has a smile, I have to fix that.

I sent a photo of the portrait to Syndee for her approval and she recognized herself right away. Whew. She even said I could share it. Thanks Syndee.

Back to fixing the smile and looking for other interesting photos.

Completing projects

This week has been all about finishing up projects I’ve started this winter and never completed.

I have been teaching so much that I’ve not had time for much creative time, so as things began to slow down and our northern visitors began to head home, I brought out my list of want to do’s and my unfinished projects.

I finished two versions of this woman today. I made a small version a couple of years ago and it’s been well received. It hangs in my Studio in my private collection. I wanted make a couple of larger ones to offer for sale. Plus I wanted to try black and white.

Seems I’m drawn to black and white for sure, I just bought a new car and it’s white with black interior, go figure.

And then here’s yet another one, I finally framed this black and white woman.

Earlier this week I finished and framed this colorful woman that I started last year. About time don’t you think?


I even saved this flamingo that I burned several months ago. He’s framed and now I want to make another one with giant flowers. Yay, go big.

I still have a few more project to finish, but I’m feeling pretty good today.