I found this fabulous head on Facebook Market place about 6 weeks ago. When I saw her I wasn’t sure she would fit in the oven but I knew I needed to buy her.
When I got her to the studio the first time I did was make sure she fit in the oven. She’s 20″ long from the tip of her nose the the last curl on her head. Luckily I have a two regular kitchen ovens that are clay dedicated . One here at home and one at my studio in downtown Sebring.
I didn’t have time to work her right away so she just chilled out in my studio. Then Covid19 hit and I’ve been home with my husband for the last five weeks. Is that all it’s been???
She came home with me and I’ve been working on her covering her with polymer canes that I have been making over the years. Every time I have a workshop in my studio I make canes, every time I film a video for my online workshops, I make canes.
So I have a cane inventory that you couldn’t believe and what better way to use it than on this lady? I am here to tell you she took a bunch of canes. I think I only use the same one once or maybe twice.
Here she is finished. Or at least finished for now. there are a few things I’d like to fix, but I’m ready to stop working on her for awhile.
Below I’ll show you as she progressed.
Oh and I’ve named her Lucy… like in the Sky with Diamonds… *g*
I may have to add a few sparkles, but that will have to wait.

This is how she was when I first started covering her with canes.

I decided that I didn’t like the random canes and decided to follow the waves.

I just kept on adding canes because I have a large inventory. If you have ever taken a workshop with me you’ll know I am always encouraging everyone to build your cane inventory so you can just sit down and create.
I was able to begin and finish her with out ever having to make a new cane. If I would have had to make a new cane for every wave I might not have finished her.
Obviously you won’t have as many canes as I do but as you build your cane inventory or as I like to call it, your stash, you’ll be surprised how many projects you can finish in a day.
I worked on both sides for days.

I’d finished a few rows and then I’d bake her. That way I didn’t mess up the rows I’d finished as I worked on the next.
Then finally the day came when I could finally put her in the oven for the last time. Was I glad? You bet. I’m used to large projects but this one seemed like it took forever.

She just fits on an angle. I baked her one last time for 30 minutes andI’m a happy, happy, woman.
Thanks for joining me on this journey. If you want to build your cane inventory or just make a couple of fun projects from my online workshops.