March 31, 2020.
My husband and I have been self isolating at home because of the Corona virus circling the globe. This is the third week that we have had everything delivered and have only gone out to the post office and I’ve gone to my studio a couple of times. I can pull up to the back door and enter from there, never seeing or coming in contact with anyone. We will continue this way until it is safe to venture out again. I have brought most of my polymer supplies home and I’m lucky to have a wonderful place to work here.
I want to give back to the community that has always supported me by encouraging words and sharing over the years. So while we’re all at home and self isolating I thought it would be a good time for me to continue creating some self portraits. I’d like you to join me and post your self portraits to my FaceBook group page titled Self portraits in the time of self isolation.
Your portraits can be recent or works you have created over the years. I work mainly in polymer clay but any medium is welcomed. I might even venture out into other mediums too.
I’m starting the adventure out by encouraging you to try a polymer clay string self portrait free. I’ve created a series of videos and created a free workshop in my online school. No purchase necessary, just follow this linkPolymer Clay String Portraits.

Because I also have a mortgage to pay on my studio I’m offering 30% off all the rest of my workshops for the whole month of April. Just go to my online school here, choose the workshop you want, click and use this code before checking out. SELF2020

And while you’re there don’t miss my other free workshop titled Stroppel Cane Earrings.
Everyone stay safe stay home if you can. Flatten the curve.