All posts by Alice

Polymer Journeys 2019

I just recieved my digital version of Polymer Journeys 2019 and it is filled with fantastic polymer art.

I’m honored to have my work included among such a talented international group of polymer artist in another edition of Polymer Journeys.

The art pieces in this 2019 edition are extraordinary . The artists all express themselves in such personally diverse ways and it is a testament to versatility of polymer.

Many thanks to the judges for selecting my work and to Sage Bray and her team at Tenth Muse Art.

Visit Tenth Muse Art to order your digital or hard copy of this beautiful publication.

Syndee Holt teaching at Studio 215 Feb 16 & 17, 2019

You won’t want to miss this information packed workshop with Syndee Holt. If you know Syndee like I know Syndee you will be  first in line to sign up for this workshop. She has more polymer knowledge in her head than you or I will ever accumulate.

From her blog:

I came to polymer clay as a means to maintain my sanity as a full time working mother. My  degree is from Brooks Institute of Photography and photography is still a passion as well as part of my working life.
I’ve been an independent designer for Sculpey (Polyform Products) for over 18 years and I currently serve as the Polyform Brand Ambassador. I am a founding member and former President of the infamous San Diego Polymer Clay Guild. I’ve written over 100 articles for crafting magazines both national and internationally.  In addition, I wrote Polymer Clay for the First Time, which is still available through  I have also made about 33 television appearances on HGTV, Discovery, DIY, etc.”

Visit  Syndee’s Blog for tons of links and tips.

Are you looking for new color recipes? She also shares her new color mixes for Sculpey (Polyform Products).

I hope you can join us. Download application here.

Two days of clay and fun at
Alice Stroppel’s Studio 215.
Feb 16 & 17, 2019
10 -4
All Sculpey clays provided with class.

Syns 3-Ring Circus

The rules of this event are simple – if you want to do a technique I show you FINE!  If you don’t want to do that technique but are still having fun with a previous technique FINE! If you want to make a “left turn” with a technique I’ve shown you and make it your own – FINE!!  If the tools and clay colors incite some other kind of creative riot in you FINE!

Ring 1: My Sculpey tool Roundup




et me show you all the weird little tips and things I’ve worked out with some of these tools. IT’s quick and I’ve been told it’s (clay) life-changing!

Ring 2: Surface treatments – let’s get dirty!
Gelli plates and transfers? Silkscreens? DONE! Got alcohol pens? Colored pencils?  Let’s color!

Paints? Did someone mention Paints?  Why yes, we can explore surface treatments using paints as well.

Ring 3: The Liquid Lab

Let’s remove the veil of mystery surrounds Liquid Sculpey! Using LS and silicone molds, mix-ins, and of course, using LS Clear as glaze – making friends with a heat gun!

Of course, there will be bracelets! Of course, there will be the KC Stripper technique!

Weed Pots Online Workshop – 15%OFF


I’m happy to tell you that I’m offering a new online workshop and it stars my silly Weed Pots. 

My weed pots have been a hit for classes both in my studio in Sebring, FL and at polymer clay guilds around the country. I know many of you will never make it to Sebring or to the guilds where I have will teach, so i’m sharing this workshop online.

I want to kick off the Holiday season and let you get a start on your gifts, after all who wouldn’t want a crazy weed pot from you? I’m giving you a 15% discount on the new Weed Pots workshop, but wait, that’s not all, I’m also giving the same 15% off on all of my workshops. This offer is good until Midnight Oct 17th.

Just click to purchase the workshop of your choice and then apply the code 15%OFF in the space provided.

I hope you have great fun. Thanks again and be sure to share the discount with your friends

Click here to go to my Weed Pots workshop.



Making Trades

When I was teaching in Oklahoma, I met so many wonderful talented people. That’s always the way it is at Polymer Clay guild events.

Chris Crossland was one of those wonderful talented people. A  couple of months ago she posted a beautiful  wolf and I really wanted to have him hang in my studio along with work from so many other polymer friends.

I don’t trade as often as I used to but Chris and I struck a bargain and exchanged animals.

I sent her a flying pig and she, much to my delight, sent me this beauty.  

I think I got the better bargain. Thanks so much Chris.

P. S. stay tuned. I’ll be posting workshops soon, both online and in my studio.  Contact me at if you have a particular workshop you’d like to take at my Sebring, FL studio.

OK Poly-Clay Twisters Retreat 2018

Tom Gibson

I have to tell you, there are some talented clayers in Oklaloma and in Kansas.

The following pictures are by students in my cane mapping workshop at the Oklahoma Poly-clay Twister Retreat. Thank so much for inviting me to be your guest artist.

The first one is by the guild’s president Tom Gibson. The names of the rest will be listed if I have them. Some pictures were taken without names.

As you can see Many people did different designs and put their on own stamp on the technique. What a great compliment, exactly what I hope for each time I teach.

There is an interesting post from Sage Bray of The Polymer Arts using Katie Way’s piece. The piece is looking at the ongoing discussion about using the instructors technique but making it you own. Katie’s business is Bullseye Studio

Chris Crossland

Patti Soliman

Llinda Bowers

Linda Bower

Patty Minton Welch

Laura Clarkson

Katie Way

Cheryl Reich

Teaching in Arkansas, Oklahoma and Florida




If you would like to meet me in Arkansas in July, I’ll be teaching a full three day workshop with the Quachita Mountain Polymer Clay Guild.

This is an extended workshop and will be combining three of my online courses this will be the longest workshop I’ve taught so you might not want to miss it.

There will be two days of cane building, extruding,  scrap saving and generally building your cane inventory. And once you have your inventory you are ready to begin creating fabulous pieces everytime you sit at your clay table. Not having to start you project  from the very beginning makes it so much easier complete a piece in record time.

The last day I’ll share my cane mapping technique complete with tips a hints that you will use in other projects.

You’ll make a piece to frame and I’ll show you how I turn my mapped pieces into striking pendants or apply them to a wine glass or vase.

So if you’re free July 10, 11 & 12, 2018 and want play with clay with a fun group and me, just download the application here and I’ll see you then.

I’m also looking forward to teaching at the OK Poly-Clay Twisters Retreat 2018 in a couple of weeks in Oklahoma.  I do believe my workshops are full.

Next I’m teaching a pre-retreat workshop at Orlando Clay Fandango  in Florida. I go every year just to see my friends there. So much fun.


It’s all about the swirl

I’ve been creating a few table tops lately and this is my latest one. It’s made with hundreds of spiral jelly roll canes that I make teaching my cane workshops. I’ve been on a mission to reduce my spiral stock .

This is the second batch of spiral necklaces I’ve made, the first ones are now owned by someone else, happily. I have earrings that need to be finished as well.


These two wall pieces are mounted on black canvas.





They look well together or separately. Loads of color.




As you can plainly see, my mission has not been accomplished. I still have two full shelves of spiral canes left and more on the way. My work is never done. Thankfully.