Category Archives: Uncategorized

Bad News – Good News -Doreen Kassel

This is workshop is now FULL!

Return the application without deposit to be placed on the waiting list


Bad news for those who wanted to attend Doreen’s workshops, ABSTRACT BLOOM AND BUDS and JIGGLY JOINTED DOLLS both filled up within days of my posting them.

Good news for those who would like to take attend a workshop with Doreen,  she has agreed to teach the third workshop, PODS on Friday Feb.  the 10, 2017. Now that’s exciting.

Follow the link below to  find out more and to download the application because this class is already filling up before I can post it. I would be a good idea to leave me a comment here if you are planning on sending in  an application.  It might fill up before I receive your deposit check. That way I’ll hold a spot for you.

Doreen Kassel’s PODS workshop

Build Your Cane Inventory Jan. 16th 2016

Download application blank for Alice’s workshops here

Build Your Cane Inventory
Prep homework required
Jan. 16th 2016
9am – 4:00pm
you provide the clay
(available at Studio 215)

cane inventory workshop - Alice Stroppel

Have you put off learning to cane because you believe it’s too hard, complicated, time consuming, precise, uses too much clay _______ fill in the blank? You not alone, but I can help.

If you like my style of work, I want to assure you that my canes are easy, fun and not at all precise. I don’t make large canes and I use every little bit of clay to make some interesting accent canes to use in all sorts of projects.

I firmly believe that you will be delighted at how much more creative and productive you’ll become if you have your cane inventory waiting for you when an idea hits. If you have to stop and make each component cane before you can begin, most times you won’t even start.

This class is for all levels of expertise, the only requirement is that you know how to make a Skinner blend and that you come to class with your Skinner blends and plugs already made. I’ll provide you with the instructions ahead of time.

By taking this workshop before any of my others you have plenty of canes ready to complete the projects we will be making.

Featured on Polymer Clay Daily

I’m  just as happy now as I was when this picture was taken by Cynthia Tinapple while we were at a retreat. Cynthia featured me and my polymer painting on Polymer Clay Daily this morning.

I blogged about the painting, here.

I was delighted and always honored to be a small part of this exciting time in the history of polymer clay.

photo - Cynthia Tinapple
photo – Cynthia Tinapple

I like to experiment with pc and this line of polymer faces is something I want to expand on. Maybe not just faces, maybe push that comfort zone a bit too.

Polymer Painting, Alice Stroppel

There and Back Again

I’ve been away on a Polymer Clay retreat and as always it was great fun,  I enjoyed my fellow artists, I learned new things and I now I’m ready to jump back into my studio and get to work.

Weed Pots Alice Stroppel

While I was on retreat I continued along with my bird theme. Oh… you didn’t realize I had a bird theme? I posted about it on my other blog, Polymer Clay etc.

I made bird bowls for an exchange with the other retreaters and a large bird for the wall. Here’s the Link.

These guys above are prototypes. I’ve always wanted to make wall pockets since my friend started collecting vintage wall pockets years ago, but I never got around to it.  A short while ago artist Marie EvB Gibbons had a sale in her Denver Studio and online. She was selling  these wonderful “Weed Pots” and I bought three of her darling baby pots.

I asked her if she minded if I “borrowed” the name for my, oh so much different than hers, weed pots. She graciously said yes. So I just started play and since birds were on my mind…

These, obviously, are not wall pockets.  I’m working toward the wall, and these do hold weeds, so the name applies.  Stay tuned.

I also had to make something for the annual auction at the retreat and I made one of my P C painted faces.

Alice Stroppel Face 8-15

I’ve also been experimenting with Canva a free app. that allows you to make cool graphics in the perfect sizes for all your social media needs. It’s very cool and a great way to add your name to those items you want to upload to Pinterest or Instragram.

They even have templates for Facebook graphics.

Meanwhile, I’m having a great group into Studio 215 on Saturday for a Profile Face Cane Class, so look for pictures.

I’m teaching at the Houston Polymer Clay Guild’s LoneStar retreat later this month and I’m excited to be meeting new people and string my Cane Mapping technique. I’ll only be gone a couple of days, so look for new classes coming soon at Studio 215.