Category Archives: Wall art

Premo coloR cArds by Joan Tayler

What I wouldn’t have given for these color cards when I first started out in polymer clay.

What am I talking about? I am extremely overjoyed to have them now.

Joan Tayler has mixed all of these colors in Premo, put these color cards together, photographed them, printed and laminated them. The recipes are on the front with the colors on the back. Such a lot of work.

All for only $12 a set. Trust me you will use these over and over again. You can purchase them here in her Etsy shop.

I’m teaching at virtual Clayathon in February 2022, a workshop call Paper to Polymer, see the post with more information here. I will be using these cards when we mix colors for our wall pieces that will be inspired by paper collages we create.

Not only that but Joan and Shelley Atwood are teaching a two day workshop with step by step color mixing and jewelry design. Their workshop, Wardrobe Inspired Jewelry, is on Feb. 17 & 18 while mine is the 22nd and the 23rd.

Loretta Lamb is the guest artist at virtual Clayathon this year and I know she has some wonderful things to share with us.

The line-up of talented polymer artists is long and varied this year and I’m thrilled to be included.

I hope to see you there.

It’s all about the swirl

I’ve been creating a few table tops lately and this is my latest one. It’s made with hundreds of spiral jelly roll canes that I make teaching my cane workshops. I’ve been on a mission to reduce my spiral stock .

This is the second batch of spiral necklaces I’ve made, the first ones are now owned by someone else, happily. I have earrings that need to be finished as well.


These two wall pieces are mounted on black canvas.





They look well together or separately. Loads of color.




As you can plainly see, my mission has not been accomplished. I still have two full shelves of spiral canes left and more on the way. My work is never done. Thankfully.